The Laundromat Project


The Laundromat Project advances artists and neighbors as change agents in their own communities.

We envision a world in which artists and neighbors in communities of color work together to unleash the power of creativity to transform lives.

We make sustained investments in growing a community of multiracial, multigenerational, and multidisciplinary artists and neighbors committed to societal change by supporting their artmaking, community building, and leadership development. 


Create Change is The Laundromat Project’s artist development program, designed to connect communities and artists in meaningful ways. We envision building a corps of artists inspired and equipped to work alongside everyday folks in creative endeavors right where they live. Over the long-term, we intend to foster and support artist-leaders who are empowered by, committed to, and fully conversant in community-attuned art practices. Create Change includes the Artist-in-Residence, Bed-Stuy Artist-in-Residence, and the Fellowship Program. Learn more about Create Change here


Create & Connect is a community micro-grant fund that the LP launched in 2020. The Fund seeds and supports the creative ideas and civic actions of artists, cultural practitioners, community builders, organizers, and makers in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. During the 2024 cycle, we will provide $1000 grants towards each funded project, for a total of up to 10 proposals. We are looking for creative initiatives and projects that are rooted in community, foster connections, and ignite conversations and/or collaborations. In other words, we support community building amongst neighbors. Learn more about the Create & Connect Fund here.


Create & (Re)Connect (formerly Creative Action Fund (CAF)) is a micro-grant initiative to seed the ideas and civic actions of The LP Create Change alumni network. This fund is a critical part of our vision to make sustained investments in our growing artist network, now 180+ artists strong, by supporting their artmaking, leadership, and professional growth. Learn more about the Create & (Re)Connect Fund here.


Create & Reflect, launched in 2022, invites visual artists to propose an artwork for a vinyl installation on the front street-level window of our community hub at 1476 Fulton Street in Bed-Stuy. The Laundromat Project will commission two artists per year, and each commission will remain on view for 6 months. Learn more about Create & Reflect (formerly The Fulton Street Window Commission) here.

For more information and details visit our website.

The Laundromat Project